Author: Faisal Mahmood

February has turned out to be the warmest month since 1901. Clearly, Climate Change is fast growing its roots deeper, and scientists are cautioning about the redundancy of La Nina to deal with the intense heat that India is highly likely to see in the coming months. To put it straight, IMD (Indian Meteorological Department) anticipates an early onset of intense sunny days in the months to come, while the spell of heatwaves would be lengthier too. Discount this, we even had a dry winter this January and such factors drive scientists to send hot shocks among us as we…

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With guns blazing in Ukraine, tones raged at the Oval Office in the White House. The world witnessed a fiery clash of ideas and perceptions between President Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky about the war and its resources. President Trump achieved yet another milestone when he reprimanded and reminded the Ukrainian president about the multiple diplomatic favours, large sacks of dollars, and military aid flown to Ukraine. Really reader, such a fiery discourse which was not any different from a brawl typical to business partners took the world by surprise through the media. Trump even went on…

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Under the new regulation, Chinese-owned cargo ships and third-country flagged ships constructed in China would be subject to a $1 million or higher fee at every port of call in the United States. Leading from the front, the Trump administration is considering imposing a large dollar amount in taxes on Chinese cargo vessels, whether Chinese-designed or Chinese-made. This step is inviting a storm in the logistics industry around the world. When shipping goods to the United States, large container ships sometimes make several stops and are subject to additional fees at each port. The proposal, which was released Friday by the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), is linked to an inquiry into claims made by several American labour organizations that…

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Such a discovery has made the inhabitants of desert stretches of Chile, smile. This way, their clamour for water and incessant thirst could be suppressed in such areas, globally too. Credit for such inquisitive thoughts goes to minds that got stunned by such mass fog bulging with water within. Science News India Today They set out to study its potential and possible harvesting, holding their desert stretch of Alto Hospicio, tucked in the north of the country, in the backdrop. Alarming is the fact, that the area receives meagre rainfall at an annual average of just 5mm. Dr Virginia Carter…

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Thanks to tech devotees who refuse to toe the line and always pursue out-of-the-box notions, we can now easily expect supreme disruptions everywhere, and logistics and supply chain management are not spared. Tech news updates in India which you can bank upon. What’s more, we have a flurry of exceptional use cases, too. Let’s explore some of the novel technologies in the field that will propel our freight forward in 2025. 1. The Internet of Things The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects that communicate and monitor data online without the need for human interaction. IoT in logistics increases supply chain visibility at every stage and boosts inventory management effectiveness. Efficiency, transparency, and real-time product visibility are all increased when IoT technology is…

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Instant, instinctive, intuitive, intriguing, and spot on, Google helps us find a range of things, uncover a multitude of secrets, untangle certain mysteries, eliminate darkness, and minimize disbelief (and infidelity) at the click of a button. But there are some websites which you should think twice about clicking as such hold the key of a prison cell and you will be at war with the law and at par. Simply put, you will call a legal trouble if you are traced to any such websites which we sum up below: Searching Bomb Making Techniques: Tech News updates in India In…

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Observing and exploring nature and taking cues from it, has been our best bet for advancement and security. In such a pursuit, robotic engineers have designed an arm on the butterfly model. Credit goes to the researchers at the Technical University of Darmstadt and the Helmholtz Centre Dresden-Rossendorf for their out-of-the-box thinking. Robotic news updates in India. They have designed robot wings that need magnetic push (fields) and are thus flexible and economical. For this purpose, they examined the monarch butterfly and were influenced by its workability and resilience and as a great outcome, they were able to ensure meticulous…

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So much so that an ex-official even targets Trump for being “clueless” (and therefore careless) about the potential threat that the app is often cursed for, for spying. Fintech news latest today India. Albeit on Jan 22nd, dismissing any such likelihood, Trump ruled out any such possibility, “that is important for China to be spying on young people, on young kids watching crazy videos”. Tech news updates in India skimmed by subject experts. Those With A Fixation for Security Have Always Downplayed Chinese Social Media: Espionage is worked out through mining users’ data and it is also used for spreading…

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Seasonal conjunctivitis is the diagnosis with which a resident of Shenzhen, a province located in the south of China, is charged. Can an insect become a predator and brutal enough to snatch an eye from a person? Not really, but it’s true. Fintech news latest. The culprit is the infection that spread after he crushed a fly (otherwise innocent). As the aftermath of such a bloodbath (minute and momentary), the pathological conditions compelled the doctors to remove his eyeball. Fly Encounter: Fintech news latest. Going by the South China morning post, the braveheart named Mr Wu, was so irritated by…

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Of course, with great contributions from designing and assembling heavyweights, such an expansion is likely to linger. Tech news updates in India are right here. The estimated growth rate is CAGR of 154% in the time span of 2024 and 2027 and we owe this to exceptional refinements made in generative AI. Humanoid Robots Play And Proliferate In Wider Field: Tech News Updates in India The manufacturers are keen to design products that adapt to diverse environments with higher precision in human-machine interactions. Hitherto, such designing focus is claimed by collaborative robots and mobile robotic arms. AI Big Wigs in China…

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