Seasonal conjunctivitis is the diagnosis with which a resident of Shenzhen, a province located in the south of China, is charged.
Can an insect become a predator and brutal enough to snatch an eye from a person?
Not really, but it’s true. Fintech news latest.
The culprit is the infection that spread after he crushed a fly (otherwise innocent).
As the aftermath of such a bloodbath (minute and momentary), the pathological conditions compelled the doctors to remove his eyeball.
Fly Encounter: Fintech news latest.
Going by the South China morning post, the braveheart named Mr Wu, was so irritated by the buzzing fly that he hit himself on the delicate area between his nose and left eye, thereby killing the fly instantly but such an aerial assault caused some matter to spill from the fly and infection occurred.
Fintech news latest today India.
What Happened Then: Tech News Updates in India
Following the blitz, his left eye turned red, and swollen and he started feeling severe pain. Fintech news latest today India.
As a result, medical aid and advice were sought but pain and swelling could not be lessened and his condition continued to worsen.
The medical condition grew and culminated in an eye operation in which surgeons were compelled to take one of his eyes out.
They call the problem seasonal conjunctivitis. Fintech news latest.
What aggravated the condition? Chinese man loses an eye.
As he started feeling pain in his left eye, he took medicine.
But the agony persisted, and he began to have vision issues.
Because of the extensive ulceration of the eye and surrounding tissues, doctors told him that his symptoms were due to an infection that treatment could no longer stop.
The doctors had to remove his entire left eyeball because the infection was threatening to spread to his brain.
According to the South China Morning Post, the tiny insect in question was a drain fly, whose larvae frequently reside in water.
These insects are frequently found in damp, dark areas of homes, including kitchens, sinks, bathtubs, and bathrooms.
When an insect flies close to your eyes, experts suggest remaining composed and not
swatting at it.
Rather, gently push it away and then use saline solution or clean water to wash the contacted area.
Wildfire in China:
The news about Mr Wu’s surgical strike spread far and wide as wildfire and Chinese social media is replete with talks and gossip revolving around the incident, pretty weird and unheard of otherwise.
Weibo, the social media platform has become a hub of discussion on the topics like China, Conjunctivitis and drain fly.
China, Conjunctivitis, Drain Fly
One user said, “This is terrifying. I often see these small insects in my bathroom and will no longer kill them randomly.”
“Always keeping the bathroom and kitchen clean is the best way to protect ourselves,” remarked another person.
Similar Incident Had Come To Light: China, Conjunctivitis, Drain Fly
A similar incidence occurred in China in 2018 when a fly landed on a wound, triggering a secondary infection and excruciating discomfort in a 97-year-old woman’s left face.
According to her relatives, the bathroom had not been cleaned in a while, which caused a lot of drain flies to land on the surfaces.
Charles Dickens Home To House His Artefacts: Tech News updates in India
In London, a museum houses items owned and used by the charismatic writer of the 19th century Charles Dickens.
The exhibition is to hail 100 years, as Dickens’s initial family abode in Doughty Street, Bloomsbury, which was spared from demolition and later was declared a museum dedicated to such a great writer.

Length Of Exhibition: Tech News updates in Inda.
The exhibition will be held from Feb through June while the centre of attraction will be the chalk and pastel sketch of Dickens when he was a dweller there.
Dickens lived in the house while writing the stories that made him a global literary success, including Nicholas Nickleby, Oliver Twist, and The Pickwick Papers.
A blubber-strained copy of David Copperfield, which was brought to Antarctica by
Captain Scott’s 1910-12 Terra Nova expedition, is one of the treasures.
The book is blackened with the crew’s fingerprints, which are probably caused by the seal blubber fire that heated the ice cave where they were stranded for sixty nights, reading a chapter every night.
Dickens’ favourite illustrators, such as Hablot Knight Browne, John Leech, George Cruikshank, and Fred Barnard, as well as early sketches for the original edition of A Christmas Carol, will also be on exhibit.
She supplemented, “Gathered together over the past century and displayed in
Dickens’s only surviving house in London, a beacon at the centre of the urban landscape quintessentially associated with the writer, the Museum in Doughty Street will be filled with objects that define Dickens’s life and the Museum’s history.”
Charles Dickens’s life and works will be illuminated by the exhibition’s personal possessions, portraits, pictures, and historic objects, according to the museum director Cindy Sughrue.

The sole remaining London home where Dickens resided was in Bloomsbury, where he lived from 1837 to 1839 with his wide ad kid.
The museum will open its Dickens on Doughty Street: 100 Years of the Charles Dickens Museum exhibit on February 5.
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